The Strong Kitchen is a prepared meal service offering customized, chef-made meals from scratch. Our meals come fresh, portioned for your goals and conveniently packaged.
The Strong Kitchen began as a solution to simplify all the stress, confusion and misinformation about eating healthy. Our goal is to provide simple and intuitively constructed meals that taste great and give you the energy you need.
We center our meals around optimal protein, adequate fiber, whole food sources and calorie control. Our goal is to feed you, make you happy and avoid the stress of overly-restrictive diets.
We currently have SEVEN unique rotating weekly menus.
Each Thursday our new menu is open for orders. Visit the menu here to check out each week's offerings and add items to your cart. Add any combination of meals, snacks and sides. For complete meals, choose your desired portion size.
Order a la carte or save up to 10% each week by choosing a meal subscription!
Check out our team of trained chefs and bakers bringing you new and delicious meals each week! We combine flavors from cuisines all around the world with fresh, whole-food ingredients that keep you healthy and happy.